Woman Redeemed
The podcast where we have honest and real conversations about all the intricate pieces of being a woman, and how each and every one of those pieces has been redeemed by a good God with good plans. Join me every other Tuesday as we dive deep into what it means to be a woman living a life redeemed by God!
Woman Redeemed
Woman Redeemed: Be Ye Transformed ft. Barbara Huston
Today on Woman Redeemed, it gives me great pleasure to introduce one of the most influential women of my life, the wise and wonderful, Sister Barbara Huston!
It is hard, almost impossible at times to understand why bad things happen to us. Especially when we can look back on a life lived in service to our King. What is the purpose of pain? Why is sorrow allowed to touch the lives of God's children? With wisdom borne of experience and a life lived fully and completely for Jesus, Sister Huston teaches us to better understand the heart of God in today's conversation.
Today's topic is a heavy one and digs down into the question all Christians have asked or been asked at some point. " How could a good God allow THAT to happen to me."
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, His ways are higher than our ways, and the very things that we think are meant to harm us, and may even feel like they are slowly killing us can be used as the tools to bring us closer to Him and reshape our hearts and our character to be more and more like Him. We must only be willing to submit to the process and be transformed.
Thank you for choosing to listen to Woman Redeemed. I pray that it blessed your heart and leads you closer to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
If you want to connect with me, please check out my Instagram @ _woman_redeemed_ or send me an email @ taylor.frankford@gmail.com